Rest and Relaxation Massage

Let the stress of the day simply melt away with this soothing and rejuvenating massage treatment. Your senses will be reawakened and your mind and body recharged with a Swedish massage that is out of this world.

This treatment is a full body Swedish massage, one of the most requested treatments in the world of massage therapy—and for a very good reason! Swedish massage not only relaxes the entire body, it also increases blood circulation and calms the mind.

During your Rest and Relaxation massage, only your superficial muscles will be targeted, rather than the connective tissue that is worked on in a more intense recovery massage. Long, firm strokes will be applied to your muscles using primarily the palms, forearms, and knuckles, with an emphasis on the scalp, upper back, shoulders and feet.

You’ll be left feeling mentally and physically refreshed and invigorated and ready to take on the world once more!